TNG compiles, domain login fails

Paul J Collins pjdc at
Tue Jun 20 21:05:56 GMT 2000

>>>>> "Elrond" == Elrond  <elrond at> writes:

    Elrond> Could you retry with latest cvs?

Domain logins are still broken.

    Elrond> I fixed some annoying memory-corruption prob (and
    Elrond> introduced a memory leak...)

    Elrond> Tom told me, that shares still don't work, when you come
    Elrond> from a domain-logon, but they work, when you connect them
    Elrond> by hand... (as far as I understood him) I've no idea
    Elrond> currently, what the problem might be here.

Well, when you log in as a local user and then attempt to map a share,
it seems to use the normal smb stuff and not the domain stuff.
Clearly, the domain stuff is broken, somewhere.  I see a broken pipe
during the sending of a reply:

cli_net_req_chal: LSA Request Challenge from \\. to STO-KERRIG: B01A9DA8E3D30152
make_q_req_chal: 596
make_q_req_chal: 606
000000 net_io_q_req_chal 
    0000 undoc_buffer: 00000001
    000004 smb_io_unistr2 logon_srv
        0004 uni_max_len: 00000004
        0008 undoc      : 00000000
        000c uni_str_len: 00000004
        0010 buffer     : \.\.....
    000018 smb_io_unistr2 logon_clnt
        0018 uni_max_len: 0000000b
        001c undoc      : 00000000
        0020 uni_str_len: 0000000b
        0024 buffer     : S.T.O.-.K.E.R.R.I.G...
    00003a smb_io_chal clnt_chal
        003a data: b0 1a 9d a8 e3 d3 01 52 
rpc_con_pipe_req: op_num 4 offset 66 used: 66
rpc_api_pipe_req: start: 0 off: 66
create_rpc_request: opnum: 0x4 data_len: 0x5a
create_rpc_request: data_len: 5a auth_len: 0 alloc_hint: 42
000000 smb_io_rpc_hdr hdr    
    0000 major     : 05
    0001 minor     : 00
    0002 pkt_type  : 00
    0003 flags     : 03
    0004 pack_type : 10 00 00 00 
prs_set_packtype: bigendian: No
    0008 frag_len  : 005a
    000a auth_len  : 0000
    000c call_id   : 0000008a
000010 smb_io_rpc_hdr_req hdr_req
    0010 alloc_hint: 00000042
    0014 context_id: 006a
    0016 opnum     : 0004
rpc_api_pipe_req: end: 66
ncalrpc_l_send_prs: data: 0x403c3e34 len 90
[000] 05 00 00 03 10 00 00 00  5A 00 00 00 8A 00 00 00  ........ Z.......
[010] 42 00 00 00 6A 00 04 00  01 00 00 00 04 00 00 00  B...j... ........
[020] 00 00 00 00 04 00 00 00  5C 00 5C 00 2E 00 00 00  ........ \.\.....
[030] 0B 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  0B 00 00 00 53 00 54 00  ........ ....S.T.
[040] 4F 00 2D 00 4B 00 45 00  52 00 52 00 49 00 47 00  O.-.K.E. R.R.I.G.
[050] 00 00 B0 1A 9D A8 E3 D3  01 52                    ........ .R
write_socket_data: write failure. Error = Broken pipe
write_socket(15,90) wrote -1
write_socket: Error writing 90 bytes to socket 15: ERRNO = Broken pipe
rpc_con_pipe_req FAILED
cli_nt_setup_creds: request challenge failed
domain_client_validate: credentials failed (\\.)
SMB LM/NT Password did not match!
Rejecting user 'sneakums': authentication failed
32 bit error packet at line 493 cmd=115 (SMBsesssetupX) eclass=c000006d [Error: 
Unknown error (109,49152)]
error string = Broken pipe

I'm not sure what it's trying to write to: is the lsa trying to send a
reply to netlogon?

Right now I'm trying to trace through all the calls in the source, and
I've gotten as far as rpc_con_pipe_req.


Paul Collins <sneakums at> - - - - - [ A&P,a&f ]
 GPG: 0A49 49A9 2932 0EE5 89B2  9EE0 3B65 7154 8131 1BCD
 PGP: 88BA 2393 8E3C CECF E43A  44B4 0766 DD71 04E5 962C
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