[TNG] Status (?)

Paul J Collins pjdc at eircom.net
Sun Jul 23 13:31:58 GMT 2000

>>>>> "Matthew" == Matthew Geddes <mgeddes at mail.xavier.sa.edu.au> writes:

    Matthew> From what I understand, TNG is being merged into HEAD,
    Matthew> due to some file system patches that were applied after
    Matthew> the split. Not being a programmer and not knowing the
    Matthew> Samba code as well as most of you, wouldn\'t it be easier

First off, what's with the backslashes?

    Matthew> to merge the other way? CVS should be able to give you a

IIRC, Luke and Jeremy (I think it was Jeremy) tried a HEAD->TNG merge
a while back, but it turned out that TNG->HEAD merge was far, far
easier to do.  I don't know precisely why.


Paul Collins <pjdc at eircom.net> - - - - - - - [ A&P,a&f ]
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