PDC on 2.0.36

Mike A. Harris mharris at ican.net
Fri May 28 20:19:46 GMT 1999

I am running 2.0.36, and samba 1.9.18p10.  I've had some other
people say that you cant do PDC with this version of samba,
despite the documentation claiming otherwise.  I've also had
someone tell me that I need the latest samba 2.0.4b, however that
I need to use kernel 2.2.x in order to do PDC.

So, is it possible to have functioning domain logons on a samba
server running samba-1.9.anything on a 2.0.36 box?

If not, is it possible to do so with samba 2.0.4b on a 2.0.36

If not, is it totally necessary to switch to 2.2.x to get PDC?

Any help on this, and/or pointers to specific documentation that
addresses these questions would be greatly appreciated.  The
samba documentation is nice, but doesn't seem to follow the
actual software at any given snapshot of time.  My current take
is that the documentation describes "what would be nice", or
"what we are aiming for" rather than "it works".

I just would like to know what CAN be done, and pointers to how.
If something can't be done, I'm certainly patient waiting for a
release that can't, but I just cant seem to get a straight answer
anywhere.  I'd like to help out if I can in any way.

Take care, and thanks in advance for any help!  Samba is a
fantastic package so far, and has worked great for me in share
mode for about a year now, keep up the great work!  (assuming
developers are reading this).

Thanks again,

Mike A. Harris                   Linux advocate      GNU advocate
Computer Consultant                          Open Source advocate  

Tea, Earl Grey, Hot...

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