Delete local profiles when not using roaming profiles

Burch, Phil pburch at
Fri May 28 14:51:39 GMT 1999

A friend at MS wrote me this .CMD file, you might try it in the Startup
@echo off
cd /d "%SystemRoot%\profiles"
for /d %%i in (*) do if not "%%i"=="Default User" if not "%%i"=="All Users"
if not "%%i"=="%USERNAME%" rd /s /q "%%i"

Phil Burch
Computing Services
North Seattle Community College

-----Original Message-----
From: Viraj Alankar [mailto:valankar at]
Sent: Friday, May 28, 1999 6:09 AM
To: Multiple recipients of list
Subject: Delete local profiles when not using roaming profiles


	Does anyone know if there is a way to not keep local profiles on
NT workstations when not using roaming profiles? This works fine with
roaming profiles and the following reg changes:


	However, when not using roaming profiles this doesn't seem to do
anything. I'm basically trying to get rid of ANY profiles stored locally
or remotely. It looks to me like a profile must be created for every user
when they first logon and kept locally. Can it be removed somehow
automatically upon logoff?

	I am disabling roaming profiles in Samba with the setting:

logon path = ""

	I sure hope this is ok. If it isn't please let me know. Thanks for
any help.

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