Do I really need one UID per computer?

Gerald Carter cartegw at Eng.Auburn.EDU
Tue Jan 12 15:41:09 GMT 1999

Per Mathisen wrote:
> When I attempt to create new computer accounts using
> "smbpasswd -a -m COMPUTER_NAME$", it insists on having
> a system account by the same name. I have lots and lots
> of computers to put into the domain, and the UID space
> is shared between different departments, which makes
> reserving an unused UID for each computer rather
> unpopular. So my question is - is it possible, some way
> or another, to avoid creating a system account for each
> computer?
> I am using beta 5, and I do not think I am not ready for
> the prealpha just yet :)

This went through a logn discussion.  The reason that the 
machine accoutn eeds to be in /etc/passwd is that is the best 
way to ensure it has a unique uid and therefore a unique derived 
NT RID.  Remebeer that machine accounts are considered to be 
just another type of user account.

                            Gerald ( Jerry ) Carter	
Engineering Network Services                           Auburn University 
jerry at   

       "...a hundred billion castaways looking for a home."
                                  - Sting "Message in a Bottle" ( 1979 )

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