include/exclude Problem

Henri Shustak henri.shustak at
Tue Apr 27 17:39:34 MDT 2010

> I want to sync /etc /home and /usr/local (and all files/dirs beneath) to REMOTEHOST:/dest
> There are some huge files in /home which I want to exclued
> I have set up an include/exclude file but I still get too much files. Also the excluded file is synced
> /usr/bin/rsync -av --exclude-from=excl --delete --numeric-ids --relative --delete-excluded / REOMOTEHOST:/dest
> cat excl
> + /mnt/md1/backup/akazia.0/
> + /mnt/md1/backup/akazia.0/etc/
> + /mnt/md1/backup/akazia.0/etc/**
> + /mnt/md1/backup/akazia.0/home/
> + /mnt/md1/backup/akazia.0/home/**
> + /mnt/md1/backup/akazia.0/usr/local/
> + /mnt/md1/backup/akazia.0/usr/local/**
> - /mnt/md1/backup/akazia.0/home/installsrc/opensuse112.iso
> - *
> Any hint what I am do wrong? I have read the man page a thousand times ...

Would you kindly clarify if "/mnt/md1/backup/akazia.0/" is your source or destination. 

When specifying directories within the rsync excludes file I believe that you list the files relative to the rsync source.

Finally, the following lbackup-discussion thread may be of assistance :

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