Diff problem

Matt McCutchen matt at mattmccutchen.net
Tue Nov 20 21:29:06 GMT 2007

I would like to elaborate a bit on Paul's response:

On Tue, 2007-11-20 at 18:10 +0100, alex loutrbringa' wrote:
> When i launch my rsync command with "-i" option, i see all my binary
> files like this : 
> -----------------------------
> <f..T.... downloads/binaries/binaryv2.cpt.zip 
> -----------------------------
> I understood well that "T" means mtime are different

The "T" means that the mtimes differ and you still aren't asking rsync
to preserve mtimes.  You need to pass -t/--times (or -a/--archive ,
which implies it).

> even if mtime seems to be exactly the same
> on both servers (assuming that mtime is the time printed by "ls -l"
> command). 

Yes, but use "ls -l --time-style=+%s" to see the times in full precision
and rule out timezone issues.

> Maybe the "f" letter? Do you know what it means ? 

That the file is a regular file.


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