Getting a list of transferred/deleted items

Wayne Davison wayned at
Mon Mar 14 04:14:01 GMT 2005

On Tue, Mar 08, 2005 at 01:08:51AM +0100, Christoph Biedl wrote:
> As far as I can see there's no option to get a list of
> files/directories/ whatever that have been transferred.

The current option for this is --log-format, which lets you specify a
format string that will cause rsync to output a line (to stdout) for
each file/dir/etc. that is updated.  Beginning with 2.6.4, if the
log-format includes %o or %i, deletions are also logged.  Also beginning
with 2.6.4, filenames with output with a '?' in place of each
non-printable character.  This should be good enough for most people who
want a file list, since it can be made unique from any other output that
rsync may send to stdout (making it a much better method of parsing the
names than getting them from the verbose output).

Your suggested options for outputting a transfer list and a delete list
do handle non-printable characters in a way that the latest --log-format
handling does not, which would perhaps make them valuable for some
folks.  I'd be willing to at least put the patch into the "patches" dir
of the distribution if you'd care to have it included.


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