Rsync snapshots problem.

Warren Mannington w.mannington at
Mon Mar 24 16:34:41 EST 2003


>Well, I followed this link:
>and implemented it (with a bit of tweaking) on my home network. It is
>used to make snapshots of two Windows PC's over samba. On one of the
>machines (and not the other, from what I can tell) it deletes files from
>the target machine for no good reason (ie. they still exist on the
>source machine). Then, if I run it again right away, it gets the files

I to have the same problem as above.  Was there any solution discovered ?  I
can post a detailed configuration if you wish.

I have tried modify-window=10 (and 60) and this makes no difference.   The
files it deletes seems somewhat random.

Any ideas ?


Warren Mannington

Warren Mannington                       Room 4.613
Phone:  +64  9 373-7599 x84611          Department of Engineering Science
Fax:    +64  9 373-7468                 The University of Auckland
Home:   +64  9 362-0766                 Private Bag 92019
Mobile: +64 25 245-3678                 AUCKLAND, NEW ZEALAND
E-mail: mailto:w.mannington at

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