[clug] How to connect two Linux boxes? [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

Hal Ashburner hal.ashburner at gmail.com
Wed Sep 2 22:29:39 MDT 2009

On 03/09/09 14:08, Ross.Wilson at ga.gov.au wrote:
> Listers,
> I have a problem that probably just needs a simple suggestion in the right direction, so I'll ask it here.
> I have an Ubuntu box that is not connected to any network.  There is a large dataset (2TB with the promise of more) on another machine that runs Redhat Server.  This second machine has a running network connection and an unused second network card.
> I am trying to connect the two machines so I can transfer the large dataset to the Ubuntu machine. I thought that just connecting the two machines with a bit of Cat5 would be enough, but I'm stumped on how to configure both machines to get this working.
> Any suggestions for a Networking Newbie?  I use Ubuntu regularly but don't know much about Redhat.

you need to log in to the red hat box, then bring up the network 
interface and give it an ip address

Put on your white coat and safety goggles then do something vaguely like

$ sudo ifconfig eth1

you need to check that eth1 is the right network interface and that the 
192. ip address doesn't clash with your lan

then you need to do the same on your ubuntu laptop, but network manager 
is likely to get in your way so just shut it down first

$ sudo /etc/init.d/NetworkManager stop
(if ubuntu does services differently so this doesn't work someone will 
point this out I'm sure)

$ sudo ifconfig eth0

again adjust eht0 and the ip address to local conditions if required.
Now if the above worked you should be able to ping the redhat server

$ ping
and get a response

the easiest thing then is probably to use scp, this means you need 
access to an ssh account on the RedHat box

$ scp -r account_name at /local/path/on/laptop

type in the password and it should kick off.

2TB is a buttload of data, do check you have that kind of space 
available to the laptop, I mention this as it's the sort of thing I have 
overlooked in the past then kicked myself halfway through execution of 
my grand master plan...

avahi can make all this much simpler if it's set up on both boxes.

All the best
Hal Ashburner

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