[clug] Re: beginners' CLUG

Paul Wayper paulway at mabula.net
Tue Apr 28 10:43:46 GMT 2009

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Lana Brindley wrote:
| This is an awesome idea, and should be a regular feature, even if it was
| only six-monthly. Paul, please keep me in touch, I would very interested in
| helping out, and also with raising awareness amongst the greater geek
| community. I'd also be happy to give a talk (on what, I have no idea, but
| whatever you think might be useful), if that's what you need.

Yes, you've just volunteered!

My plan here is to get Lana, myself and anyone else who wants to stand up, to
give a quick (15 minute) talk about something cool they like about FOSS that
they use a lot.  It can be a favourite tool or useful program, some speedy
ways to get around in Linux, or your how-to in your favourite game: I intend
to give mine about shortcut keys in BASH.  We'll be doing these throughout the
night, rather than have a whole bunch of nodding heads and then everyone
dispersing at Pizza time.

So, Lana, David Tulloh, Pascal Klein, Tridge, Hugh Blemings, Chris Smart, Brad
Hards, Ian Munsie, and everyone else that I talk to regularly that always
seems to have some new bit of awesome tucked up their sleeve - and anyone else
~ with a good idea - start thinking of something to say!

And Lana, your other idea is also great - please promote this to people you
think might be interested but might not be CLUG regulars.  If there's
interest, maybe a fixfest / installfest / hackfest day on a Saturday some time
might be a good thing to do too.

Have fun,


P.S. answering another question, I have thought about giving a night class on
"Linux and FOSS for beginners" at one of the adult education organisations
around Canberra.  Will let you know if this develops into more than a nice
idea... :-)
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