[clug] EFA?

Ian Bardsley ifb777 at tpg.com.au
Tue Sep 25 10:07:17 GMT 2007

Yo Folks

New Zealand is a possibility I hadn't really considered. Do you think 
the sheep would try and govern freedom???  Been to Canada though, a 
couple of times and it's a country that suffers from a major 
disadvantage....it's called "SNOW". Yuk!

Now, how does the 'Republic of Van Diemans Land' sound.  The first line 
in it's constitution would read, "The entire population of the Republic 
will be personally accountable for their individual actions and choices".

The second line would read "No member of the Republic will be permitted 
to use Microsoft (R) products!

Probably the only rules the Republic would need really.

Have fun all

Ian Bardsley

Sam Couter wrote:
> Ian Bardsley <ifb777 at tpg.com.au> wrote:
>> You are very close to the truth I fear though where do you go?
> Personally I'd probably choose New Zealand. The biggest problems there
> are the rabid anti-nuclear stance and the fact that it's illegal for
> shops to open on Good Friday (yay for enforced Christian holidays!).
> Next choice would probably be Canada.
> Both countries speak English (mostly) and are socially liberal.
>> A log cabin on the top of Cradle Mountain in Tasmania has been a very 
>> appealing thought for me since the mid 90s.
> Tasmania may be overseas but it's still under Australian jurisdiction.
> Unlike New Zealand, at least for now.

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