[clug] BarCampCanberra 07

Andrew Boyd facibus at gmail.com
Mon Jan 8 04:56:58 GMT 2007


I'm one of the pro-tem Organisers Lite (TM) for BarCampCanberra 07.

We want to hold it on the weekend of 3-4 March this year to coincide
with the other BarCampAustralia events.

At this stage the Organisers Lite (TM) are looking for a venue. After
that it can self-organise in true unconference style. Perhaps some
semi-organisation to ensure that there are some decent t-shirts. But
after that, blissful self-organisation.

Details such as they are and a few random thoughts at
http://barcamp.org/BarCampAustralia and

If anyone has thoughts, suggestions, ideas, amusing anecdotes or a
venue we'd love to hear from you. Please forward this email to anyone
you think might become involved, be interested, or at least not openly
hostile :)

Best regards, Andrew Boyd
facibus at gmail dot com
aboyd at smsmt dot com

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