[clug] CLUG site

Tarrant tarrant at aeria-design.com
Tue Sep 12 01:45:39 GMT 2006

Yeah, i can understand the private hosting and things, although i'm pretty prepared to say it's a somewhat stable service if it is somewhat 'private'. It's not going anywhere as i host too many sites (as i offer it to clients, or to friends for free if they're just light weight sites) to simply just 'vanish'.

It seems to be made clear that there are people willing to monitor the services (spam, being hacked, etc.), i am one of these too.

postnuke looks pretty alright.

I'm more then prepared to hand out the SSH account a specific clug user on the server to a group of managers of the site, in fact i may be able to set it up so you can even get into the control panel to add/remove e-mails if you desire @clug e-mails. I'll have to double check on that.

- Tarrant

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