[clug] Telstra ADSL

Neil Pickford neilp at goldweb.com.au
Wed May 3 10:42:19 GMT 2006

I will fourth the recommendation for Internode.
Straight Forward is their motto and that is the way it is.

Telstra really don't care for anyone doing something other than what the 
general morass is doing.
They also obscure extra charges (such as upload fees) in the fine print.

Neil Pickford

Paul Wayper wrote:
> Tim Potter wrote:
>> I second that recommendation.  Internode are more than happy to help you
>> if you are using Linux with their equipment.
> I'll third that recommendation, and add that Internode have a huge 
> amount of content on their local servers that isn't charged for 
> download.  Mirrors of all the major Linux distros and their respective 
> update repositories, mirrors of lots of internet radio stations, Tucows 
> and many other mirrors, the entirety of the ABC website - all free.  
> Plus, you don't get charged for your outgoing traffic (which Telstra 
> _do_ charge for!) - it makes 20GB go a lot further, especially if you 
> intend to use sharing peer-to-peer transfers like BitTorrent to download 
> Linux ISOs and so forth.  And you can churn from Telstra for $39.
> Come.  Join us.  Don't be afraid. :-)
> Paul

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