[clug] uPnP clients and servers

Michael Still mikal at stillhq.com
Sun Mar 26 01:47:57 GMT 2006

Robert Edwards wrote:
> I use gmediaserver with about 3000 mp3s, but they are all arranged in
>  directories (which, apparently, isn't how most modern MP3 players
> want to see them - bad luck). So, in any given directory, there is
> probably only an album's worth of files for gmediaserver to check.

Mine are hashed like this:


So I imagine my layout is largely similar to yours.

> As far as I know, gmediaserver is the only open-source implementation
> of a uPnP server available, so if you want all those features - start
> coding! As far as I am concerned uPnP sucks, not gmediaserver, but it
> is all my Philips SLA5500 can use.

Yeah, it's all the MP101 can do too. So, I'm on a quiet 54mbit wireless 
network (although there are some channel conflicts, but nothing bad 
enough to justify this), and the server is a 3ghtz hyperthreaded p4, so 
I can't imagine that I am having resource issues.

> I certainly don't have any problems with gmediaserver. You can look
> at the quasi-free server whose name I can't be bothered looking up at
> the moment. Worked fine for about 3 months until some internal code
> caused it to time-out or something. Won't go there again!

Twonky perchance?

My very limited reading at the time suggests that uPnP sits on HTTP, 
much like webdav, so I wonder why there isn't an Apache module to do all 
of this...


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