[clug] Consume But Don't Try Programming [was viva la DMCA? [was:Against US-AU FTA Intellectual Property Clauses]]

david howe david at qednet.biz
Sun Apr 11 23:46:39 GMT 2004

Disclaimer - I havent read the entire free trade agreement.

But on the face of it, when deals are struck the end result is usually a
reflection of the power of the parties and their ability to influence
the final outcome. An agreement between parties of such unequal power
(as would describe USA and Australia) is bound to have terms and
conditions that are more beneficial to the stonger party.

The defensiveness of the Australian government on this issue only adds
weight to my thoughts that this is an agreement that is not in our
national interests on any level and will simply speed up the process of
our economic and cultural absorption by the US.


On Tue, 2004-04-13 at 02:22, amy ireland wrote:
> jepri wrote:
> > I urge everyone NOT to sign the petition, until they come up with one
> > that actually represents OSS developers and users rather than whiney
> > people who want to watch DVDs on their laptops and play playstation
> > games that they aren't supposed to.
> >
> > Not only that, the petition veers into actual craziness in at least one
> > place.  The petition is just plain embaressing.
> >
>  and i urge everyone to oppose the free trade agreement in total and in
> individual aspects, as it serves americans not australians. the americans
> stand to gain an estimated $2.6 billion (aust) whereas australia will gain
> $1.4 billion (aust) which will blow our trade deficit which is already $6
> billion (aust). then they want to limit our freedom even further (than it
> already is) by changing our laws on competition
> policy,communications,intellectual property and deregulation of almost all
> industries.
> governments dont give freedom, they only take and restrict freedom,
> revolutions give freedom . we can only maintain the level of freedom we have
> by opposing those who would take it. or by revolting

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