[linux-cifs-client] mount.cifs hangs everytime mounting an inexistant share is attempted

Steven French sfrench at us.ibm.com
Fri Aug 27 16:21:25 GMT 2004

Is this cifs version 1.20c (this sounds a bug hat was fixed already)?

Steve French
Senior Software Engineer
Linux Technology Center - IBM Austin
phone: 512-838-2294
email: sfrench at-sign us dot ibm dot com

"Cristóvão B. B. Dalla Costa" <cbraga at freedows.com> 
Sent by: linux-cifs-client-bounces+sfrench=us.ibm.com at lists.samba.org
08/27/2004 12:42 PM

linux-cifs-client at lists.samba.org

[linux-cifs-client] mount.cifs hangs everytime mounting an      inexistant 
share is attempted

If I do:

mount.cifs //server/inexistant_share /mount/point

I'll get a rogue cifsd process in the machine which will suck 100% CPU 
*and* a flood of packets will be sent to the server, basically taking 
both machines off the network until the client is rebooted since even 
kill -9 fails to get rid of the rogue cifsd process.

I'm using the latest iteration of the cifs code in a 2.4.22 kernel. Does 
this also happen in kernel 2.6? I've reproduced this bug with samba 
3.0.2, windows servers (nt4, 2000, 2003) and it happens every time.

Any ideas? Thanks.

Cristóvão Dalla Costa
cbraga at freedows.com

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