[jcifs] CVS question

Michael B Allen mba2000 at ioplex.com
Fri Dec 17 20:20:09 GMT 2004

On Fri, 17 Dec 2004 11:20:05 -0600
"Christopher R. Hertel" <crh at ubiqx.mn.org> wrote:

> On Thu, Dec 16, 2004 at 03:59:21AM -0500, Michael B Allen wrote:
> > I was thinking about updating the jarapac CVS respository. If I simply
> > do an'update' will that leave all the old directories and files that
> > have been removed? Also, 'update' does seem to add new files. What is
> > the command to just sync everything up so the directory that I run the
> > command in is replicated in CVS?
> The 'cvs update' command brings any changes in the repository down to your
> system.  If we were both working on the code and I made a change, doing an
> update would add my changes to your checked-out copy.
> You do have a checked-out copy, yes?  ...or did you simply copy the files 
> to your system?

Yes. But then I used a for-in loop to copy the CVS directories from the
checked-out copy into my latest distribution and ran cvs update in there. It
seems like it actually worked although I've had problems adding files and
creating directories. If I just do 'cvs add' it wants the actual file to be
added. It would be nice if you could just do 'cvs add' and have it search
for all new files. Anyway cvs add * get's me a little further.

> Once you've got a checked-out copy, you can make any changes you want to
> the files.  To store them back in the repository, you use 'cvs commit'.  
> CVS then prompts you for comments (so others can know what you did and
> why).

Don't you have admin on this project? Can you try to sync up the latest tgz
with cvs?

> If you are creating new files for the repository, you use 'cvs add' to let
> CVS know that you've got new stuff.  Then use 'cvs commit' to actually add
> them to the central repository.

How do you create directories?

[miallen at quark ndr]$ cvs add *
cvs add: cannot add special file `CVS'; skipping
cvs add: scheduling file `Format.java' for addition
cvs add: scheduling file `NdrBuffer.java' for addition
cvs add: scheduling file `NdrException.java' for addition
cvs add: scheduling file `NdrLong.java' for addition
cvs add: scheduling file `NdrObject.java' for addition
cvs add: scheduling file `NdrShort.java' for addition
cvs add: scheduling file `NdrSmall.java' for addition
cvs add: scheduling file `NetworkDataRepresentation.java' for addition
cvs add: use 'cvs commit' to add these files permanently
[miallen at quark ndr]$ cvs commit
cvs commit: Examining .
cvs commit: failed to create lock directory for
(/cvsroot/jarapac/jarapac/src/jarapac/ndr/#cvs.lock): No such file or
cvs commit: lock failed - giving up
cvs [commit aborted]: lock failed - giving up
cvs commit: saving log message in /tmp/cvsXVG2Ni

Greedo shoots first? Not in my Star Wars.

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