[Samba] Samba Mailing Lists: How to talk Samba nicely

Perttu Aaltonen perttu.aaltonen at mac.com
Wed Jun 14 08:13:46 UTC 2023

> On 14. Jun 2023, at 10.56, Rowland Penny via samba <samba at lists.samba.org> wrote:
> On 14/06/2023 08:47, Jakob Curdes via samba wrote:
>> Hello Rowland, all,
>> I do not think there is a bug. You can enter a search domain manually in /etc/systemd/resolved.conf with the "Domains=" field.
>> Ubuntu should also pickup a dhcp "Domain" field when it is running systemd-resolved, otherwise it obviously won't.
>> If it does not, check what your router sends in DHCP.
>> In my scenarios, we run servers in networks with dedicated nameservers, so we do not need a local stub resolver and just deactivate it.
>> Regards, Jakob
>> https://askubuntu.com/questions/1072099/how-do-i-set-the-search-path-for-systemd-resolved
> Hi Jakob, problems are, as far as I am aware, domain and search are different and my ISP thought it was a good idea to supply a router where you cannot change/set most of what you need for an AD domain, including the dns domain name. I am going to have to get a better router.
> I know that I could just rip out the entire Ubuntu 22.04 dns stack and set it up manually, but I am trying to work with what Ubuntu supplies, if I can :-)
> Thanks for the info
> Rowland

Hi Rowland,

In my Ubuntu installations I use Netplan to set all network configuration, including dns servers and search domain, and leave resolv.conf alone. Works well and out of the box at least for domain member servers as I use Debian for domain controllers.


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