[Samba] Samba Mailing Lists: How to talk Samba nicely

Rowland Penny rpenny at samba.org
Wed Jun 14 07:56:54 UTC 2023

On 14/06/2023 08:47, Jakob Curdes via samba wrote:

> Hello Rowland, all,
> I do not think there is a bug. You can enter a search domain manually in 
> /etc/systemd/resolved.conf with the "Domains=" field.
> Ubuntu should also pickup a dhcp "Domain" field when it is running 
> systemd-resolved, otherwise it obviously won't.
> If it does not, check what your router sends in DHCP.
> In my scenarios, we run servers in networks with dedicated nameservers, 
> so we do not need a local stub resolver and just deactivate it.
> Regards, Jakob
> https://askubuntu.com/questions/1072099/how-do-i-set-the-search-path-for-systemd-resolved

Hi Jakob, problems are, as far as I am aware, domain and search are 
different and my ISP thought it was a good idea to supply a router where 
you cannot change/set most of what you need for an AD domain, including 
the dns domain name. I am going to have to get a better router.

I know that I could just rip out the entire Ubuntu 22.04 dns stack and 
set it up manually, but I am trying to work with what Ubuntu supplies, 
if I can :-)

Thanks for the info


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