[PATCH][smb3 client] allow debugging session and tcon info to improve stats analysis and debugging

Steve French smfrench at gmail.com
Thu Nov 9 21:51:55 UTC 2023

[PATCH] smb3: allow debugging session and tcon info to improve stats
 analysis and debugging

When multiple mounts are to the same share from the same client it was not
possible to determine which section of /proc/fs/cifs/Stats (and DebugData)
correspond to that mount.  In some recent examples this turned out to  be
a significant problem when trying to analyze performance problems - since
there are many cases where unless we know the tree id and session id we
can't figure out which stats (e.g. number of SMB3.1.1 requests by type,
the total time they take, which is slowest, how many fail etc.) apply to
which mount.

Add an ioctl to return tid, session id, tree connect count and tcon flags.


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