Questions regarding vfs module development

Trever L. Adams trever at
Wed Jun 8 17:37:04 UTC 2016

I am looking at I am
interested in this for my own use and would love to help update it. I
have a few questions. Of course, all the work I am doing, I hope to get
committed to the authors tree.

1) Is it okay to use basename and dirname (POSIX.1-2001, POSIX.1-2008)
in vfs modules or does there need to be ifdefs/autoconf/waf magic
involved? If it is not okay, are there functions that do similar in samba?

2) This product actually currently has 3 vfs modules (vfs-svf-*). One
each for clamav, sophos and f-secure. For the most part they share all
of the same options, etc. I have already mostly finished the manpage for
clamav. Do the manpages need to be separate for each module, or is there
a way it would be acceptable to the Samba team to have just one with
most of the options being generic (svf-* instead of svf-clamav for example)?

At the URL above there is a TODO in the readme. Currently I have
untested (not even a compile test) of the "Extend quarantine options"
section and "Support 'rename' action" section. As said, I have started
with the manpages.

I have never done any development with Samba before, so I am quite
uncertain of many things.

Thank you for any pointers on getting started and safely testing things,


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