Samba Tutorial at sage-au

Richard Sharpe sharpe at
Tue Jul 6 01:43:05 GMT 1999

At 12:19 AM 7/6/99 +1000, tridge at wrote:
>I'm glad to hear it went well!
>did you do any of your own slides? Would you be willing to upload them
>into the slides/ directory on the ftp site? It can save a lot of time
>for other people.

The material I produced consisted of:

1. About 60 to 80 slides
2. About 60 pages of notes with hands-on sessions where we get the people
taking it to do things with Samba.

The secret to making these things a big success, and I am not there yet, is
to make the information focussed on what the delegates want.  I had two
types of people on the tut.  Almost-newbies, and more experienced people.
My material was kind of focussed about almost-newbie level, and I need to
add some more complex stuff for other people.  Things like Win NT
integration, NT workstation logon, NT 2000 integration, etc.  This will
take time.

Ummm, the two secrets to making it a success, are secret number 1 and
having enough gear for people to use.  We had 27 people on the course and
only 17 systems to play with.  We should have had 27, and 54 would have
been great :-)

Co-ordinating all the systems, getting the right OSes on each (half with
Linux and Samba, the other half with Win-9x and Win NT or Win 2000) will be
an effort.  I suspect that something like Ghost, or an approach using a
Linux Boot floppy that can write a Windows system to a disk will be needed.

Anyway, who needs a Spanish Inquisition?

Richard Sharpe, sharpe at, NS Computer Software and Services P/L,
Samba (Team member, Ethereal (Team member
Co-author, SAMS Teach Yourself Samba in 24 Hours

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