No subject

Tue Dec 2 04:46:46 GMT 2003

over radio is excluded from requiring a carrier license. 

As Jamz D. Boman stated the sections 42, 43, 44 exclude the use of a "network 
unit" to provide a carriage service without a license.

Going back to section 25 however, the definition of "network unit" we want is
the "designated radio communications unit".

This is then defined in sections 34 and 35 (theres others like satellite which
won't apply to us), with both of these sections refering to 34 1h), where it
then points to 34 3a), stating:

(3) For the purposes of paragraph (1)(h), a network is an exempt
network if:
(a) the network is used, or for use, for the sole purpose of
supplying carriage services on a non-commercial basis; or
(b) the network is of a kind specified in the regulations.

So from my reading of it, the later sections (43, 44, 45) wrt to carrier
licenses don't even apply, as our network units are excepmt.

I'd appreciate comments on whether this line of reading is correct. 

Matt Johnston

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