RH9.0 and Wireless

Jason Hecker jason at air.net.au
Mon Apr 14 22:03:06 EST 2003

Ah, geez.  I seem to have got it working properly.

After starting from a clean slate with both the access point and the network 
config GUI util, I started from scratch with entering the ESSID, AUTO rate 
and WEP key and now it's working.

I have had trouble with WEP keys before.  I am certain it hasn't changed, but 
you can't tell what it is as it's always ****-**** etc.

So it's not some wacky scripts....

Just a wacky user.

> Drats.  I'll have to eat my words.  Using the RH9.0 network control panel
> So I am stumped.  It's almost there but still not working.  This is very
> frustrating as it just worked as proscribed in RH8.0

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