Trying multiple essids and crypto keys

Jean Tourrilhes jt at
Tue Jun 4 02:48:49 EST 2002

Scott Bronson wrote :
> Hello.  I've looked all over the net for the answer to this, but it
> still eludes me.  If it's a FAQ, please point me in the right direction?
> I have four wireless networks that I sometimes connect my laptop to. 
> Two are unprotected, two require encryption strings.  All four have
> different essids.
> Is there any way I can get my machine to try all keys and essids and use
> the first one that works?  Having to configure /etc/pcmcia/wireless.conf
> every time is a drag.
> Thanks!
>     - Scott

	Very simple :
	1) Define 4 different Pcmcia schemes, one for each config
	   Check Pcmcia Howto + Wireless Tools PCMCIA.txt on the issue
	2) Read the documentation in the source code of iwgetid.c
	3) Write shell/perl script using cardctl+iwgetid appropriately
	4) Post script on mailing list, I'll add it on my web page

	Have fun...


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