Unstable connection on wireless gateway
j240 at bellsouth.net
Thu Jul 11 01:43:20 EST 2002
Hello everyone,
I have a wireless gateway/router up and running on an old 133 pentium with a linksys wpc11(v.3) and a wdt11 adapter. The card is operating in hostap mode. On both winxp and win2000 boxes, the wireless network sporadically disconnects but suddenly reconnects . It sometimes disconnects as often as every five minutes, but it has also stayed on for hours without dropping the connection. I'm suspecting the gateway is the problem since all the other clients indicate that the signal is 'gone'. With the funky pattern, you might think that it is an environmental problem, but I had an ad hoc network before and it functioned properly. While in netstumbler, I noticed that the AP signal drops to zero a few times every minute. I tested the connection with the two points a few feet away and it doesn't stop the drops. The frequency of the disconnects seems to be unaffected by network stress.
Has anyone else had similar experiences?
Any input is appreciated. Thank you for your time.
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