Transient Failure

Clinton Jones Clinton.Jones at
Mon Jan 7 16:51:44 EST 2002

We've had a 5 node external Wavelan rig up and running for a few months now
but we get variable performance.
The nearest node has a directional grid antennae and is within 700m of the
central hub with the omnidirectional antennae and also fails when the rest
of the network goes down
Originally we had the system working as a bridge, but soon after we
installed the system we changed it to a routed configuration. 
I am not very au fait with all the technicalities, however the bill of
materials for the hub indicated that we purchased:
The Orinoco OR-1100 (COR)
WL Turbo 11Mb CP Card EXT
a 2.4Ghz indoor Amplifier
a 2.4 Ghz outdoor Amplifier
24dB 2.4Ghz Omni Directional Antenna
When we initially set it up, we had failures generally at night time, when
the sun set, which was very odd, after some messing about, the supplier
removed the indoor amplifier and everything seemed to work quite well
although occassionally we'd have failures in the mornings from sunrise for
about two hours, always around the same time. Of late it has really become
quite awful, some days the performance is down dramatically to 50%
reliability, the only major difference between now and two months ago, is
that some days are overcast and rainy, in your experience could the size of
the transmitter be a reason for all the problems, could intereference from
the nearby airbase be an influence (it is about 15km away).  

Clinton Jones
Manager - Infrastructure and Technical Support
Almarai Company Ltd, PO Box 8524, Riyadh, 11492
Saudi Arabia 
Telephone :+966 (01) 4700005 Ext 444
Mobile : +966 (053) 255183
Fax :+966 1 4701555
Telex 405806 MRAI SJ 

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