Roger Standridge roger at digitalfountain.com
Tue Nov 12 02:25:44 GMT 2002

I'll step in this troll. haha.


Ken Barber wrote:
> On Monday 11 November 2002 16:06, albert at wickywicky.net wrote:
>>I have to build a VPN within two networks each with a SMB network with a
>>Windows NT server and machines from both sides need to have access to a
>>file share of the server from the other side.
> Well, this is REALLY off-topic for an SMB Clients list, but I happen to know 
> the answer.
>>I wanted to do it with only one gateway configured in each windows
>>computer  and leave the routing decision to my linux router but I don't
>>know if it is possible. 
> You need two gateways, one for each network.  And Linux is the wrong tool for 
> the job, unless you're into compiling custom kernels.  The protocol you want 
> to use is called IPSec, and it's illegal under US law to include it in the 
> Linux kernel.  I strongly recommend OpenBSD for VPN gateways -- since NO 
> OpenBSD code is produced in the United States, it comes out of the box with 
> IPSec built in.
>>Could somebody explain me how should it be configured? 
> You have a lot of reading and research to do.  Learn all you can about IPSec, 
> and then ask this question on a mailing list that deals with those issues.
> Ken Barber

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