NT and SMB client issues

Dave Lewis dlewis at ottawa.com
Thu Aug 23 06:23:38 GMT 2001

I have a bit of a problem.. and I think I know where it is.. but I donno 
how to fix it ?

Here's the situation, I have a ftp server.. It's been on my NT server for 
years however I like the functionality of glftpd so I setup
glftpd on my linux box (also my gateway) and decided to use smb and share 
the files to a dir on the linux server, because
of the raid setup on my nt server I don't really want to have to move it..

I have glftpd up and I can download but I can't seem to write to the dirs 
and I believe it is becuase the dirs are mapped
with permisions

drwxrwxr-x root root

and it's preventing me .. am I even close ???

my mount command is in my rc.local file and looks like this

mount -t smbfs -o username=Linuxbox,password=xxxx //snafu-nt/ftpdir 

am I even close ??? can anyone point me in the right direction of how to 
get that last w in the mask ? a chmod doesn't work
the nt server has given full control on the share to the user that is using 
it.. and I can create and delete as root but not as
any other user or through ftp ??????

am I totally nuts ???

Any comments / help / assistance would be appreciated..

Thanks in advance

Dave Lewis

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