[Samba] Getting 'Access Denied' under Offline mode (Offline Files)

June Chong | TechnologyWise june at tw.co.nz
Wed Sep 11 21:49:19 UTC 2024

Hi Rowland,

Many thanks for your reply and assistance.

On 11/09/2024 7:15 pm, Rowland Penny via samba wrote:
> Is your AD domain really using a single label domain ?
> This isn't a good idea, Microsoft doesn't support it, so I suppose
> Samba shouldn't either, see here:
> https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/troubleshoot/windows-server/networking/single-label-domains-support-policy
My apologies. I was sanitizing private information out and did not think 
it would cause a confusion. We are definitely not using single label 
> I would suggest you do three things:
> 1) If you are not already doing so, run a second DC.
> 2) Stop using a DC as a fileserver, create a Unix domain member and use
> that instead.
We are aware of having the DC as a fileserver is not recommened. 
Unfortunately this is an inherited setup for us. But we are planning on 
changing the structure, just not immediately.
> 3) Stop using profiles/offline files, they are yesterdays way of doing
> things, use folder redirection instead.
We are using folder redirection just with a combination of offline 
files. The situation is that we have remote users connecting back which 
would have their profiles cached, else they get a message that their 
profile is not available until it is connected to the domain controller 
via VPN.
This was working on 4.15.13 and we thought perhaps something has changed 
in between versions up to 4.19.5 that would effect this behaviour.

Kind regards,
*June Chong*
*Engineer | TechnologyWise*

148 Durham St
Tauranga, NZ

*E:* june at tw.co.nz | *P:* +64 (0)7 571 1060 | *W:* technologywise.co.nz 

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