[Samba] Error encountered, aborting schema upgrade

Rowland Penny rpenny at samba.org
Thu Sep 5 10:19:45 UTC 2024

On Thu, 5 Sep 2024 10:43:04 +0200
"Michael Thiemann" <michael.thiemann at briesebaer.de> wrote:

> > Is this an existing domain or a new domain ?
> It is an existing domain (productive for about 15 years)

Okay, but hang on, 15 years would mean that it predates Samba AD by
about 3 years, so I take it that your AD was either upgraded from an
NT4-style domain or a Windows one.

> > Did you check if the schema needs upgrading ?
> As I told before, it's currently at 69

That is different from saying, 'I have checked and it is at 69'. If
this was a new domain, it would already be at '88', but it isn't, so it
will most likely be '69'.
> root at TUX:~# ldbsearch -H /var/lib/samba/private/sam.ldb -b
> 'cn=Schema,cn=Configuration,dc=briesebaer,dc=intern' -s base
> objectVersion # record 1
> dn: CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=briesebaer,DC=intern
> objectVersion: 69
> # returned 1 records
> # 1 entries
> # 0 referrals
> > If this is a new domain, it is probably at '88' already.
> > But even if it does require upgrading, when has something existing
> > been an error ?
> I don't know. I hope to get the answer here.

What I was trying to point out that it isn't, in my opinion, an
error if something already exists. Yes, you cannot create a schema
object that exists, but it should be handled in a different way if it
does exist, it should be corrected if any attributes are missing or
set incorrectly. If the schema object is in AD and is correct, it
shouldn't stop the schema upgrade. 

The question is, where did the schema object come from if the schema
was vanilla '69' ?
Is the schema object in AD correct and matching what the ldif is trying
to add ?

Do you have a backup ?

I think your best option is to log a bug report on this.


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