[Samba] Configuration of numerous shares

Rowland Penny rpenny at samba.org
Thu Sep 5 07:52:21 UTC 2024

On Mon, 2 Sep 2024 18:36:16 +0100
miguel medalha via samba <samba at lists.samba.org> wrote:

> Maybe someone here has the acquired experience necessary to answer
> this question:
> Since each share consumes resources, such as RAM and processing,
> which would be the most effective scenario? Share a directory for
> each department, such as:
> Acounting
> Finance
> HumanResources
> This soon leads to dozens of shares in my case.
> The other option is to share only the top folder (Enterprise in the
> following example), give users only traverse rights to that folder and
> direct them to the respective subfolder, each with the appropriate
> permissions: 
> Enterprise/Acounting
> Enterprise/Finance
> Enterprise/HumanResources
> With lots of potential shares, which one of these scenarios would you
> recommend, in terms of both efficiency and security?
> Thank you.

In the good old days, it used to be easier to setup individual shares
per user/group and set the relevant permissions on that share, but
nowadays it is probably easier to share a directory and then allow/deny
access to sub-directories via ACLs.


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