[Samba] Error encountered, aborting schema upgrade

Michael Thiemann michael.thiemann at briesebaer.de
Wed Sep 4 12:49:53 UTC 2024

Dear all,


I'm using SAMBA 4.20.4 running on actual Debian bookworm.


At the moment the directory Schema Version 69 is in use.


Trying to make a schemaupgrade brings the following error.


root at TUX:/# samba-tool domain schemaupgrade 

Temporarily overriding 'dsdb:schema update allowed' setting

Applying Sch70.ldf updates...

Unable to find attribute msDS-DeviceMDMStatus in the schema

5 changes applied

Applying Sch71.ldf updates...

7 changes applied

Applying Sch72.ldf updates...

Exception: (68, 'Entry
er,DC=intern already exists')

Encountered while trying to apply the following LDIF



changetype: add

objectClass: attributeSchema

adminDisplayName: ms-DS-External-Directory-Object-Id

adminDescription: ms-DS-External-Directory-Object-Id

ldapDisplayName: msDS-ExternalDirectoryObjectId

attributeSecurityGuid:: hri1d0qU0RGuvQAA+ANnwQ==

attributeId: 1.2.840.113556.1.4.2310


omSyntax: 64

isMemberOfPartialAttributeSet: TRUE

isSingleValued: TRUE

instanceType: 4

rangeUpper: 256

schemaIdGuid:: kL8pva1m4UCIexDfBwQZpg==

searchFlags: 9

showInAdvancedViewOnly: FALSE

systemOnly: FALSE

systemFlags: 16


Exception: (68, 'Entry
er,DC=intern already exists')

Error encountered, aborting schema upgrade

ERROR: Failed to upgrade schema


Any idea to solve this problem?


Regards Michael

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