[Samba] Place of functional levels in Samba4 roadmap

Olivier BILHAUT obilhaut at fondation-misericorde.fr
Fri May 31 10:58:08 UTC 2024

Hi Samba list,

As you know, security is currently the buzzword for
most critical organizations. Active Directory implementations are an
important node of all the security chain. 

French security agency,
called ANSSI release a tool to audit Active Directory implementations,
called ORADAD : https://github.com/ANSSI-FR/ORADAD/releases 

This tool
retrieves all configuration from your AD, and make it ready for
analysis. Don't hesitate to give a try. Based on this tool, French
National Agencies give a note on our Active Directory configuration.

Recent functional levels is a big part of AD security, since it is
supposed to add features like Protected users and much more. Don't
really know if this is real or fake, but anyway, it has to be done. 

you know when we well be able to display a real Windows 2016 functional
level (or more). What's the place in the roadmap ? Does it lack funds to
implement it ? 

I couldn't find a really clear information about this
in Samba wiki, and neither in the samba list history, even if I know
that 4.20 seems to give a kickstart to the feature. 

Many thanks to all


Olivier BILHAUT 


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