[Samba] Accessing guest Samba shares from Windows 10/11 without hacks

Artem S. Tashkinov aros at gmx.com
Tue May 28 00:03:23 UTC 2024


I'm quite concerned that in order to access guest Samba shares in
Windows 10 you have to enable Insecure Guest Logons for the Lanman
Workstation and in Windows 11 you even need to disable "Digitally Sign

I've scoured through the entire smb.conf man page, tried the options
that looked appropriate, nothing worked.

Is there a simple SoHo samba configuration that works for W10/W11
clients? I don't want to use Samba as a DC or anything like that.

I'm using Samba 4.20.1.

Here's where I posted the solution but again I'd like to avoid doing that:


My configuration is simple:

     workgroup = WORKGROUP
     security = user
     passdb backend = tdbsam
     guest account = nobody
     map to guest = Bad User

Best regards,

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