[Samba] Can't join AD

lists at zxt10d.de lists at zxt10d.de
Thu May 23 06:47:11 UTC 2024

Am 22.05.2024 um 18:49 schrieb Rowland Penny via samba:
> On Wed, 22 May 2024 17:59:48 +0200
> lists--- via samba <samba at lists.samba.org> wrote:
>> Hello list,
>> I can't find the mistake causing the problem ... maybe you do.
>> A Windows 2022 Server can't join the AD.
>> Debian Bookworm
>> Samba Version: 4.19.6-Debian
>> ip:
>> Windows Server 2022
>> ip:
>> subnet:
>> gateway: -> FritzBox
>> 1st DNS:
>> 2nd DNS: -> dc02
>> When entering the domain-name to the "member of domain"-field, and
>> then using administrator with the (working!) password, I get a
>> "Networkpath not found"-message (its translated from german).
>> When doing a:
>> nslookup dc01.praxis.domain.tld
>> on the Windos-system it jumps to the gateway (its a FritzBox), and
>> tries to resolve dc01.praxis.domain.tld on the internet.
> First, if you are going to sanitise your dns domain, please do it

... I shouldn't do three things at the same time ... QRP stuff and IT 
stuff doesn't like each other ;) ... sorry for the confusion.

> everywhere, otherwise it gets confusing. I take it that
> 'praxis.domain.tld' is really 'praxis.dr-ts.de'. If this is the case,
> then there doesn't seem to anything wrong on the Linux side, apart from
> the 'dns forwarder' on the DC, that appears to be forwarding to itself,
> when it should be another dns server outside the AD domain e.g. googles
> Your problem appears to be on the Windows machine, it shouldn't be
> using the fritzbox at all, it should be using the Samba DC, you need to
> find out why this happening.
> Or to put it another way, it's the DNS.

I had to disable ipv6 (modifying the ipv6 prefix policies takes too much 
time, and the chance for mistakes is way bigger) ... it runs fine now :)

> Rowland


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