[Samba] No RID Set found for this server. Can't self-allocate

Felipe Martínez Hermo felipe at galicia.ugt.org
Tue May 21 16:24:27 UTC 2024

Hello, everybody.

I have a Samba domain spread over 19 offices, 5 of them have a domain 
controller of their own.

Some of these DC work fine now that I have a quite homogeneous set of 
samba versions. Most of them are Debian 11 with samba 4.17.

The last two DC added (in different offices) have joined the domain 
without problems, but both have the same problem. The can't find a RID set:

No RID Set found for this server: CN=COR-DC2,OU=Domain 
Controllers,DC=my,DC=domain, and we are not the RID Master (so can not 

This means that they can't create any new objects, so every time I need 
to add a new computer or create a user, I have to take down these 
servers and let the objects be created on the "healthy" servers.

I have checked Andrew's answer here:


He says that they eventually they will find a RID set, but it has been 
long enough and they don't seem to get a RID set.

Any clue of why this happens?

Thank you


Felipe Martínez Hermo

Servizos Informáticos

UGT Galicia

981 57 71 71

*Unión Xeral de Traballadoras e Traballadores*

Miguel Ferro Caaveiro, 12 - 15707, Santiago de Compostela


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