[Samba] Online AD Backup fails with "no auth" in 4.20?

Matthias Kühne | Ellerhold Aktiengesellschaft matthias.kuehne at ellerhold.de
Thu Jun 27 12:38:13 UTC 2024

Hey Luis,

on the member server:

# net ads testjoin
Join is OK

# wbinfo --ping-dc
checking the NETLOGON for domain[AD-ELLERHOLD] dc connection to 
"rad-2.ad.ellerhold.lan" succeeded

SSH login to this member works, Access via SMB works... all good!

Our AD is healthy as far as I can tell... all services work as far as we 
can tell.

The same command on a member server with 4.19 still works. Using another 
domain member with 4.20 fails too. The tickets was created fresh today.

The package "samba-ad-dc" is installed on all DCs and was never 
installed on the domain members.

Just for completeness: the upgrade to 4.20 was around 2 weeks ago and 
this failing backup was pushed time and time again because we had other 
(unrelated) bigger problems.

Regards, Matthias.

Am 27.06.24 um 14:24 schrieb Luis Peromarta:
> LP
> On Jun 27, 2024 at 13:13 +0100, Matthias Kühne | Ellerhold 
> Aktiengesellschaft via samba <samba at lists.samba.org>, wrote:
>     Hallo lovely samba-people,
>     did something change in regards to the online AD Backup in 4.20?
>     We're using this CLI command to create a backup of our domain:
>         /usr/bin/samba-tool domain backup online --targetdir="/my/path"
>     --server="rad-2.ad.ellerhold.lan"
>     --use-krb5-ccache="/opt/samba-ad-backup/ad-backup.krb5cc" -N
>     This ran successfully on a member server without a problem. klist
>     shows
>     a valid ticket:
>     # klist -c /opt/samba-ad-backup/ad-backup.krb5cc
>     Ticket cache: FILE:/opt/samba-ad-backup/ad-backup.krb5cc
>     Default principal: ad-backup at AD.ELLERHOLD.LAN
>     Valid starting     Expires            Service principal
>     27/06/24 11:28:22  27/06/24 21:28:22
>         renew until 28/06/24 11:28:22
>     After upgrading to 4.20 this results in the error message:
>     ERROR(<class
>     'samba.join.DCJoinException'>): uncaught exception - Can't join,
>     error:
>     00002020: Operation unavailable without authentication
> This suggests bad or no Join.
> What is the output of
> net ads testjoin
> ?
>     Even this doesnt work:
>       /usr/bin/samba-tool domain backup online --targetdir="/my/path"
>     --server="dc1.example.org" -U Administrator
>     Same error message on a member server. Running this on a DC prompts me
>     for the password correctly. Running this on a 4.19 member server
>     correctly prompts me for the password too.
>     I even copied an smb.conf from a DC and added
>     --configfile=/path/to/dc-smb.conf . Same error...
>     Can someone point me in the right directory to make this work
>     again on a
>     4.20 member server?
>     Environment: Samba 4.20.2 in Debian 12 (mjts Repository).
> Did this fail after updating to samba 4.20 ? Is your AD showing any 
> other problems ?
> Do you have the package samba-ad-dc installed in the DCs ? It wasn’t 
> needed before 4.20 (or 4.20.1, not sure), but it is now.
>     Thanks for your help and have a nice day.
> You too.
> MfG.

Senior Webentwickler

Ellerhold Aktiengesellschaft
Friedrich-List-Str. 4
01445 Radebeul

Telefon: +49 (0) 351 83933-61

Amtsgericht Dresden / HRB 23769
Vorstand: Stephan Ellerhold, Maximilian Ellerhold
Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrates: Frank Ellerhold

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