[Samba] GSSAPI Error: Unspecified GSS failure. Minor code may provide more information (Server not found in Kerberos database)

Kees van Vloten keesvanvloten at gmail.com
Mon Jun 24 13:14:59 UTC 2024

Please direct your messages to the samba mailinglist and not to my 
personal mail!

On 24-06-2024 14:49, Omnis ludis - games wrote:
> I compared keytab and kvno in them on the server and on the client, 
> everything is identical, increased the logging level to 3, as you 
> said, and here is the log when authorizing a client from a neighboring 
> domain
> {"timestamp": "2024-06-24T15:43:21.689360+0300", "type": "KDC 
> Authorization", "KDC Authorization": {"version": {"major": 1, "minor": 
> 0}, "status": "NT_STATUS_NO_SUCH_USER", thiserroris duetothe 
> factthatthe idcommanddoesnotworkforthisuser, for example, 
> idtest at RINT.TEST.COMwritesthatnosuchuser, ifyou knowhowthe 
> idcommandworks, it maybecomeclearerwhywecan'tgetinformationaboutusers

The 'id' command will resolve the user through the password entry in 

This is where winbind comes in to play, for passwd and group you should 
have something similar to this in /etc/nsswitch.conf:

passwd:         files systemd winbind
group:          files systemd winbind

Both on your client (which is a fileserver) and on the DC.

I don't see a role for sssd on the fileserver, do remove it and just use 
winbind (which is already configured in your /etc/samba/smb.conf on the 

The DC has /etc/nsswitch.conf configured properly by default and that is 
where you looked in the audit-auth.log. It looks like the local KDC is 
trying to process the request for a user which it does not know, a user 
which is probably defined at the other side of the trust.

I have no experience with trusts and cannot help with that.

- Kees.

> пн, 24 июн. 2024 г. в 15:01, Kees van Vloten <keesvanvloten at gmail.com>:
>     On 24-06-2024 13:21, Omnis ludis - games wrote:
>>     butthe encryptionthatis onsambathatis onthe clientis the
>>     sameandthe keytabisonlyonthe clientandhowto understandif the
>>     kvnois specifiedcorrectlyinit, you needto checkhowthekvnoof the
>>     accountinthe sambadatabase?
>     Get keytab on the client:
>     sudo net ads keytab list  # if you are using winbind or at least
>     have 'net' installed
>     or
>     sudo klist -kte /etc/krb5.keytab # assuming this is where the
>     keytab file is
>     Export a one principal keytab from samba.
>     Run on the DC with sufficient permissions:
>     samba-tool domain exportkeytab -d 8 <temp-export-file>
>     --principal=<one-principal-from-above-keytab>
>     ktlist -kte <temp-export-file>
>     # Compare kvno, local keytab must have at least the kvno that
>     samba DC has
>     # Also check encryption types between the two files and check them
>     with settings in /etc/krb5.conf:
>     #   e.g. permitted_enctypes =
>     rm <temp-export-file
>     If there is a mismatch in kvno: use 'net ads keyab add' to update
>     /etc/krb5.keytab or the sssd equivalent for that. Run it for each
>     principal in the keytab.
>     Also check that a password on the service / machine account is
>     set. Without it ever set Kerberos authentication is not possible.
>     For accounts created or updated by a domain-join this is not an
>     issue as it will be set by the join.
>     You can also get a clue from the auth-audit logging on the DC.
>     Ensure you a line similar to this on the DC  in /etc/samba/smb.conf
>     [global]
>             log level = 3 auth_json_audit:3@/var/log/samba/audit_auth.log
>     Restart the DC service after modifying /etc/samba/smb.conf.
>     Auth-audit logging on the server is more explicit than client-side
>     logging in most cases.
>     - Kees.
>>     пн, 24 июн. 2024 г. в 14:13, Kees van Vloten via samba
>>     <samba at lists.samba.org>:
>>         On 24-06-2024 12:42, Rowland Penny via samba wrote:
>>         > On Mon, 24 Jun 2024 11:19:03 +0200
>>         > Kees van Vloten via samba <samba at lists.samba.org> wrote:
>>         >
>>         >> On 24-06-2024 11:07, Omnis ludis - games via samba wrote:
>>         >>> thank you
>>         >>>
>>         >>> пн, 24 июн. 2024 г. в 12:07, Rowland Penny via samba
>>         >>> <samba at lists.samba.org
>>         >>>> :
>>         >>>> On Mon, 24 Jun 2024 11:52:17 +0300
>>         >>>> Omnis ludis - games via samba <samba at lists.samba.org> wrote:
>>         >>>>
>>         >>>>> Good afternoon, please tell me there is such an
>>         infrastructure
>>         >>>>> windows domain and samba domain between them, one-sided
>>         external
>>         >>>>> outgoing trust relationships are set up, so that users
>>         from the
>>         >>>>> windows domain can freely enter the samba domain, I
>>         entered the
>>         >>>>> client into the samba domain and all users from the
>>         samba domain
>>         >>>>> can safely pass to this client, but that's not the task
>>         of users
>>         >>>>> they do not want to authenticate from the windows
>>         domain in any
>>         >>>>> way when I try to log in to a client from the samba
>>         domain under
>>         >>>>> them, I get the following error in sssd on the client,
>>         GSSAPI
>>         >>>>> Error: Unspecified GSS failure. Minor code may provide more
>>         >>>>> information (Server not found in Kerberos database), do I
>>         >>>>> understand correctly that this works like this, the client
>>         >>>>> accesses the samba domain controller, since there is no
>>         given
>>         >>>>> user in samba, the request is redirected to the windows
>>         domain
>>         >>>>> controller and that in turn must provide information
>>         about this
>>         >>>>> to users from its database kerberos? but for some
>>         reason this
>>         >>>>> does not happen, does anyone have at least some
>>         information on
>>         >>>>> this error, I have already tried many different
>>         scenarios and can
>>         >>>>> not log in as a user in any way, as if samba does not
>>         process
>>         >>>>> information correctly, while if you build a two-way
>>         trusting
>>         >>>>> relationship, then everything works as it should
>>         >> This is a generic kerberos error, you can find numerous
>>         pages with
>>         >> suggestions on the net.
>>         >>
>>         >> I have seen errors like this one a few times (e.g. with
>>         gssapi from
>>         >> Apache), there are a lot of possible issues. Some I have
>>         come across:
>>         >>
>>         >> -  EncTypes must be set on the machine account in the DC
>>         (and there
>>         >> must be an overlap with the ones in the client's krb5.conf).
>>         >>
>>         >> - The machine password must be set on the account in the DC.
>>         >>
>>         >> - The kvno of the keytab entries on the client must match
>>         with the
>>         >> DC. Each time the password on the machine account is
>>         changed a new
>>         >> kvno is set on the keytab, so it must be exported to the
>>         client again.
>>         >>
>>         >> Hopefully this helps :-)
>>         >>
>>         > It might be a password problem, but sssd is involved and,
>>         from my
>>         > perspective, if you are using 'security = ADS', then you
>>         must run
>>         > winbind and if winbind is running, then there is no point
>>         to be also
>>         > running sssd, winbind & sssd do virtually the same thing
>>         and if sssd
>>         > isn't setup correctly, then once a month it can stop
>>         winbind in its
>>         > tracks.
>>         >
>>         > Rowland
>>         >
>>         In this case it is an error generated by the Kerberos library
>>         used by
>>         the client (here sssd, I used apache back then). It tells us the
>>         kerberos authentication is not working, not due to
>>         authentication
>>         failure but due to authentication not possible.
>>          From my experience the cause of this generic error is more
>>         likely the
>>         one-way trust or something with the service account /
>>         computer account
>>         (e.g. EncTypes mismatch, kvno mismatch) or /etc/krb5.conf
>>         than it being
>>         caused by sssd (although we can't rule it out).
>>         In this particular case I would bet on the one-way trust, as
>>         that could
>>         cause the kerberos ticket no to work properly and that
>>         matches with what
>>         the error expresses.
>>         - Kees.
>>         -- 
>>         To unsubscribe from this list go to the following URL and
>>         read the
>>         instructions: https://lists.samba.org/mailman/options/samba

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