[Samba] GSSAPI Error: Unspecified GSS failure. Minor code may provide more information (Server not found in Kerberos database)

Rowland Penny rpenny at samba.org
Mon Jun 24 09:06:46 UTC 2024

On Mon, 24 Jun 2024 11:52:17 +0300
Omnis ludis - games via samba <samba at lists.samba.org> wrote:

> Good afternoon, please tell me there is such an infrastructure windows
> domain and samba domain between them, one-sided external outgoing
> trust relationships are set up, so that users from the windows domain
> can freely enter the samba domain, I entered the client into the
> samba domain and all users from the samba domain can safely pass to
> this client, but that's not the task of users they do not want to
> authenticate from the windows domain in any way when I try to log in
> to a client from the samba domain under them, I get the following
> error in sssd on the client, GSSAPI Error: Unspecified GSS failure.
> Minor code may provide more information (Server not found in Kerberos
> database), do I understand correctly that this works like this, the
> client accesses the samba domain controller, since there is no given
> user in samba, the request is redirected to the windows domain
> controller and that in turn must provide information about this to
> users from its database kerberos? but for some reason this does not
> happen, does anyone have at least some information on this error, I
> have already tried many different scenarios and can not log in as a
> user in any way, as if samba does not process information correctly,
> while if you build a two-way trusting relationship, then everything
> works as it should

I suggest you should ask this question on the sssd-users mailing list.
Samba does not produce sssd and hence, little is known about it.


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