[Samba] Random permission denied and path not found errors

Rowland Penny rpenny at samba.org
Mon Jun 17 14:15:07 UTC 2024

On Mon, 17 Jun 2024 15:53:13 +0200
Tamas Papp via samba <samba at lists.samba.org> wrote:

> hi All,
> I have a problem that is way beyond my Samba knowledge skills and 
> capabilities. I would appreciate your advice.
> This is a VFX company with W10 clients and Windows and Linux servers. 
> Currently, there is a project migrating shares from W2K16 to Linux.
> The Windows server (from this point of view) services the storage
> backend in a reliable way. The clients are workstations and render
> machines.
> In numbers:
> - Windows storage: 90TB
> - Windows WS: ~30
> - Windows render machines: 7
> Now there is a Linux server with Ubuntu 22.04 (samba 
> 4.15.13+dfsg-0ubuntu1.6). Its configuration is 128GB RAM, E5 CPU, 
> Samsung PM893 SSDs in ZFS raidz3. There are some Incus containers
> with Samba packages in them.

Are your incus containers privileged ?
I should also point out that, from the Samba point of view, 4.15.13 is

> The problem is that in certain cases render jobs reports the a path
> is not available or a file is not accessible for write (permission
> denied). The path is there and the user has permission. In addition,
> after a while the render job recovers and is able to write the file
> or read the path. The network speed is between 1Gb/s - 4Gb/s
> (changing fast), the load is between 1-3.
> I will need to measure these better in the future.
> Any idea, what's going on and how could I track this down?

No idea because I haven't a clue how you are running Samba, for all I
know, you could be running sssd on a Samba fileserver.

Might be an idea if you post the output of 'testparm -s'


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