[Samba] lock account UserAccountControl

Rowland Penny rpenny at samba.org
Mon Jun 17 10:29:43 UTC 2024

On Mon, 17 Jun 2024 11:54:13 +0300
Omnis ludis - games via samba <samba at lists.samba.org> wrote:

> Good afternoon, please tell me, I’m trying to block an account in a
> test environment, for this I change the UserAccountControl attribute
> by setting the bit 0x0010 which means LOCKOUT

That hasn't worked since W23k

> and also calculate
> FILETIME + 30 min and set it to the Lockouttime attribute, but that’s
> not the problem, the UserAccountControl attribute returns to its
> initial value 512 DEFAULT_USER_ACCOUNT 

You seem to be conflating a locked account with a disabled account,
they are different.

> Does anyone have any ideas on
> how to block an account and what attribute still needs to be changed
> for this or is this task not possible and only entering an incorrect
> password will lead to blocking?

samba-tool user disable --help


samba-tool user enable --help

Finally, if you have a 'locked' user:

samba-tool user unlock --help


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