[Samba] Users appears as SID instead of their own name.

Rowland Penny rpenny at samba.org
Fri Jun 14 18:21:25 UTC 2024

On Fri, 14 Jun 2024 20:07:16 +0200
Josep M Gorro via samba <samba at lists.samba.org> wrote:

> Dear group members.
> I have a Samba 4 (4.6.5) running without problems.

Er no, you have one really big problem, Samba 4.6.x went EOL (from the
Samba point of view) nearly six years ago.
> Now, using a W2022 server enrolled on the AD, when I add someone from
> AD to a local group (like remote desktop group), the user is added
> but it appears with their SID instead of name. However the rights are
> correctly applied.
> Another W2012R2 enrolled on same AD is running fine. All AD objects
> included on local group appears correctly
> Any idea why is this happening? Can be corrected? Could be a further
> issue?

You may have a found a bug, who knows, you haven't given us much to
work with, but if you have found a bug, then you have no chance of
getting it fixed in your version, in fact, it may well have been
fixed in a later version.

I suggest you upgrade to a much later version, the versions supported
by Samba are (at the moment) 4.18.x (security fixes only), 4.19.x
(maintenance mode), 4.20.x (full support).

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