[Samba] missing msdfs referrals from samba directory listing: wrong order in smbd_dirptr_get_entry()?

Michael Tokarev mjt at tls.msk.ru
Thu Jun 6 16:33:21 UTC 2024


For quite some time I'm trying to find what's going on with MSDFS referrals.
Samba version is 4.19.6.

We've global host msdfs = yes (the default anyway), and for a share in question,
msdfs root = yes.  testparam confirms the settings.

There's a symlink created in the root dir of the share, which points to the same
server but different path:

   dfstest => msdfs:thissrv/othershare/subdir

However, when opening the directory in question from client, this name is not
shown in the listing.  Samba skips this name from the listing when looping over
readdir entries:

[2024/06/06 19:02:40.521314, 10, pid=1173240, effective(1000, 1000), real(1000, 0)] source3/smbd/files.c:868(openat_pathref_fsp_nosymlink)
   openat_pathref_fsp_nosymlink: path_in=dfstest
[2024/06/06 19:02:40.521339,  5, pid=1173240, effective(1000, 1000), real(1000, 0)] source3/smbd/files.c:77(fsp_new)
   fsp_new: allocated files structure (9 used)
[2024/06/06 19:02:40.521372, 10, pid=1173240, effective(1000, 1000), real(1000, 0)] source3/smbd/files.c:978(openat_pathref_fsp_nosymlink)
   openat_pathref_fsp_nosymlink: SMB_VFS_OPENAT(., dfstest, RESOLVE_NO_SYMLINKS) returned 40 Too many levels of symbolic links => 
[2024/06/06 19:02:40.521437, 10, pid=1173240, effective(1000, 1000), real(1000, 0)] source3/smbd/mangle_hash2.c:415(is_mangled)
   is_mangled dfstest ?
[2024/06/06 19:02:40.521466, 10, pid=1173240, effective(1000, 1000), real(1000, 0)] source3/smbd/mangle_hash2.c:354(is_mangled_component)
   is_mangled_component dfstest (len 7) ?
[2024/06/06 19:02:40.521493,  5, pid=1173240, effective(1000, 1000), real(1000, 0)] source3/smbd/files.c:77(fsp_new)
   fsp_new: allocated files structure (10 used)
[2024/06/06 19:02:40.521517, 10, pid=1173240, effective(1000, 1000), real(1000, 0)] source3/smbd/files.c:115(fsp_bind_smb)
   fsp_bind_smb: INTERNAL_OPEN_ONLY, skipping smbXsrv_open
[2024/06/06 19:02:40.521542,  5, pid=1173240, effective(1000, 1000), real(1000, 0)] source3/smbd/files.c:179(file_new)
   file_new: new file fnum [invalid value]
[2024/06/06 19:02:40.521569, 10, pid=1173240, effective(1000, 1000), real(1000, 0)] source3/smbd/files.c:2198(file_name_hash)
   file_name_hash: /ws/ws/. hash 0x3eac6da4
[2024/06/06 19:02:40.521608, 10, pid=1173240, effective(1000, 1000), real(1000, 0)] source3/smbd/open.c:930(fd_openat)
   fd_openat: name ., flags = 0400000 mode = 00, fd = 38
[2024/06/06 19:02:40.521669,  5, pid=1173240, effective(1000, 1000), real(1000, 0)] source3/smbd/files.c:1985(file_free)
   file_free: freed files structure 0 (9 used)
[2024/06/06 19:02:40.521711, 10, pid=1173240, effective(1000, 1000), real(1000, 0)] source3/smbd/files.c:1172(openat_pathref_fsp_nosymlink)
   openat_pathref_fsp_nosymlink: SMB_VFS_OPENAT() failed: No such file or directory
[2024/06/06 19:02:40.521781,  5, pid=1173240, effective(1000, 1000), real(1000, 0)] source3/smbd/files.c:1985(file_free)
   file_free: freed files structure 0 (8 used)
[2024/06/06 19:02:40.521810,  3, pid=1173240, effective(1000, 1000), real(1000, 0)] source3/smbd/dir.c:750(smbd_dirptr_get_entry)
   smbd_dirptr_get_entry: Could not open dfstest: NT_STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND
[2024/06/06 19:02:40.521845, 10, pid=1173240, effective(1000, 1000), real(1000, 0)] source3/smbd/dir.c:568(smbd_dirptr_get_entry)
   smbd_dirptr_get_entry: dir [.] dirptr [0x564f0a10ed10] offset [9] => dname [(finished)]
[2024/06/06 19:02:40.521878, 10, pid=1173240, effective(1000, 1000), real(1000, 0), class=smb2] 
   smbd_smb2_request_find_done: out_output_buffer.length = 942
[2024/06/06 19:02:40.521904, 10, pid=1173240, effective(1000, 1000), real(1000, 0), class=smb2] source3/smbd/smb2_server.c:3916(smbd_smb2_request_done_ex)
   smbd_smb2_request_done_ex: mid [12841] idx[5] status[NT_STATUS_OK] body[8] dyn[yes:942] at source3/smbd/smb2_query_directory.c:193

This is consistent for smbclient and for windows10 and windows11 clients.

However, when specifying whole path in question, in form \\thisserver\dfstest\,
it works, - samba correctly returns referral and the client handles it:

$ smbclient //thissrv/share
Password for...:
smb: \> dir
   .                                   D        0  Thu Jun  6 19:10:50 2024
   ..                                  D        0  Thu Jun  6 19:10:50 2024
smb: \> cd dfstest
smb: \dfstest\> dir
   .                                   D        0  Wed Apr  2 21:56:01 2008
   ..                                  D        0  Mon Sep 18 11:25:54 2023
   doc                                 D        0  Mon Jun 20 13:37:17 2005
...other entries..
smb: \dfstest\> cd ..
smb: \> _

So it looks like only the file listing does not work.

But the fun thing is that it is omitted in the listing *sometimes* (most of the
time), - At one point I did see it in the listing, so I concluded it works fine
and forgot about it, until users started complaining they don't see their dirs.

I'm certain nothing had changed since that time, - exactly the same samba version
and the same config, but we had a couple of reboots in between.

Reading source3/smbd/dir.c:smbd_dirptr_get_entry() I can't see where it can work,
ever.  Because it does openat_pathref_fsp_lcomp() first, which never works on a
symlink not pointing to a real file (which is how msdfs symlink looks like), that
one return !NT_STATUS_OK() (NT_STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND in the above debug
log), and whole thing ends up in there.  is_msdfs_link() is checked later.

If I move is_msdfs_link() check right before openat_pathref_fsp_lcomp() call, it
seems to work fine.

Should such a move be done in the actual code?


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