[Samba] share enumeration, samba-dcerpcd, variable %i

Franz Sirl Franz.Sirl-kernel at lauterbach.com
Tue Jul 30 16:08:49 UTC 2024

Am 2024-07-29 um 13:20 schrieb Zhuchenko Valery via samba:
> hi, samba team and other,
> client software calls samba and samba reads /etc/samba/smb.conf where 
> some parameter contains variable %i (client ip address), but when samba 
> calls samba-dcerpcd, it again reads /etc/samba/smb.conf where some 
> parameter contains variable %i and at that moment %i is not client ip 
> address, it is equal
> for example I need client ip1 and client ip2 to get different shares 
> lists (include = /etc/samba/shares-%i.conf), I can't do that because the 
> folder list is received via samba-dcerpcd


this is likely another variation of 
https://bugzilla.samba.org/show_bug.cgi?id=15488 .
According to Volker's comment fixing this seems to be non-trivial.
Probably because the communication between the processes is not very 
well documented and not many people are familiar with this part of the 
samba sources.


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