[Samba] Users unable to reset passwords

Rowland Penny rpenny at samba.org
Tue Jul 30 07:48:58 UTC 2024

On Tue, 30 Jul 2024 03:18:04 -0400
Mark Foley via samba <samba at lists.samba.org> wrote:

> So, at least one other user on this list has reported the same problem
> (Christian) and he indicates that this problem "On this list the
> topic pops up from time to time but it is never solved." So he's not
> the only one besides me. He *solved* it by setting no expiry on the
> passwords, which is an unacceptable work-around, not a solution. 
> No one has reported that they don't have a problem with password
> expirations. It is doubtful that it's a Windows 11 problem or
> thousands of Windows users would be howling.  I have an associate who
> admin's a Windows domain, no Samba, and he has no such issue. 
> The conclusion must be that it is a Samba bug with this version. As I
> mentioned, I did not have this issue with Samba 4.8.2. 
> So, how does one report a bug to the Samba development team?
> THX --Mark

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