[Samba] new DC via clone..

Michael Tokarev mjt at tls.msk.ru
Mon Jul 29 04:37:48 UTC 2024

25.07.2024 18:06, Joachim Lindenberg via samba wrote:
> Hello Rowland,
> I have to recognize that asking to compile the distro version is a valid argument.
> Hello Michael,
> can you please explain, how I can compile Samba as I am using your distro (deb [signed-by=/etc/apt/mjt.key] http://www.corpit.ru/mjt/packages/samba jammy/samba-4.19/)?

This is a standard debian source package (actually it is the same
as in debian itself, except that it now has 4.20 version instead
of 4.19).  And it can be built using the standard procedure -
which basically is:

as root:
  (add deb-src line to sources.list; apt update)
  apt-get build-dep samba

as user:
  apt-get source samba
  cd samba-4.19*
  (modify it as you see fit)
  dpkg-buildpackage [...]

There are multiple possibilities there, multiple possible ways to
go from there instead of using dpkg-buildpackage, but you should
get the basic idea.

Also you can clone the debian samba source repository from salsa
git and go from there (it has debian_4.19 branch and other versions).
See https://salsa.debian.org/samba-team/samba.

All this is about building packages on debian (or ubuntu), nothing
to do with samba itself.

The only trick here in this context is that current samba packages
by default "assumes" a more modern debian/ubuntu system.  For jammy
(or for bookworm, etc), you have to activate "before-trixie" build

  apt-get -P pkg.samba.before-trixie build-dep samba

  dpkg-buildpackage -P pkg.samba.before-trixie

(or else it will try to enable features and request packages only
available on trixie and up).



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