[Samba] ipv6 with Samba-AD-DC?

Kees van Vloten keesvanvloten at gmail.com
Thu Jul 11 18:55:52 UTC 2024

On 11-07-2024 17:45, Rowland Penny via samba wrote:
> On Thu, 11 Jul 2024 16:42:52 +0200
> Björn JACKE via samba <samba at lists.samba.org> wrote:
>> On 2024-02-16 at 09:53 +0000 Rowland Penny via samba sent off:
>>>> Rowland believes that one should not use IPv6 internally. Many
>>>> disagree.
>>> That isn't strictly true, It isn't that I believe that you shouldn't
>>> use IPv6 internally, I just don't see the point in it, unless you
>>> have over 16 million network clients and who has that many ?
>> on a very similar mail I've shown a good argument for IPv6 internally
>> earlier this year, see:
>> https://lists.samba.org/archive/samba/2024-February/248183.html
>> Björn
> As far as I can see, you only need a client, a VPN server, the internet
> and the external IP to connect to. Provided that the VPN is set up
> correctly it should work and it shouldn't care whether you are
> connecting to an IPv4 or IPv6 external IP. Once the VPN connection is
> secure, then the internal network is irrelevant, you could use IPV4 or
> IPv6, which brings me back to my earlier statement, who has over 6
> million network devices internally ?
> If anyone wants to use IPv6, then who am I to stop them ? I am just
> stating my point of view, which is: Who needs it internally ?
> Rowland
I think the point is that in IPv4 the rfc-1918 ranges are limited so 
there is a risk of having an ip conflict between the home network or 
computer and the company network when you have a routed connection over 
a VPN.

With IPv6 there is no such risk. And although I am not using it yet, 
that argument makes sense to me.

- Kees.

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